April 28, 2006
April 15, 2006
PROFANE WRESTLES SACRED 8-2-89 with Glossary
I'm grateful that despite the expense (extreme) nerves (jarred) haircolor (graying)and source (tapped) I can listen to your music and still be reminded of an ancient, timeless brillance, because music originated in purity never dies. The brilliance of that which you created was epochal indeed. You passed from innovator to infamy in a swift clip.I question your ability of nurturing and expressing anew the quality of work that 23 years ago perceived the future. You gave birth to a sound that; had the original passion persisted (one can only guess) what it may have led to. The early work was premature, sophisticated and timeless. It will remain so long after the legend meets his maker. I imagine your early abdication saddens Our Lord; me I'm blue
You were chosen as a vehicle or mortal vessel with the task of delivery. I have a strong impression you no longer have access to its origin. I sense you have always been uncomfortable and reluctant acknowledging the responsibility the GIFT contained in exchange. I visualize you facing a mirror and although fully clothed, the reflection returned is a man bare to the bone.---despite extreme summer heat---the man is trembling, unable to stop, because an artic chill has frozen his soul. The man returns to the mirror compelled by a force he is unable to challenge. The lesson being taught sink side is the dichotomy that exists between the GIFT and the GLUT. The gift is of divine origin and did itself prophesie the looking glass ritual when the work was in process. The glut is the notoriety and stigma you chose and wore like a cloak. Your cloak like Samson's locks were esteemed and identified by Delilahs sheers. Still if your out embracing spirits of a contrary nature you need to wrap up because it's the thrill not the chill you're out to cop. You invited a whole gang of company into that wrap for balance. The insecurity you experienced in recognition that responsibility accompanys brilliance, was like a cell, and is so still.
So the COASTING that served to numb the obscure lessons the GIFT was meant to impart, became more frequent and less effective. The underground Wow man, with the hippest Sunset Strip band ( they called themselves love) but on encounter a fist would be more likely. All that oobla hoobla, shake 'em rattle 'em then roll them was taking the MITTMAN in and out up and down, rarely did he ever come down, but that of course was part of it too. The depth of this man's personal turmoil is likely experienced by few, therefore even the more astute would be challenged to grasp more than a vague sensitivity of its weight and price.
Uncertain if he was MACKING or the MARK he set about ridding himself of the debt. When the dark garbed spectors approached, the chinks and portals through which they climbed had already been honed by the host. Rather like the person who intentionally cuts himself to assure the SADIST'S audience at the MASOCHIST Ball. By the time the BITE went down his armour had been meticulously distressed, PARTI-COLOURS and SLASHING so exceptional the costume would have been a renaissance tailors pride. The sight of it was so intoxicating that the guardians of the GIFT even mistook the TRICK for a TALISMAN. The deception had them in a narcotic nod in no time. On their faces a smile of joy was frozen in place. For eternity? They haven't awakened yet. The invasion of the inner sanctum was a cinch!
Naturally the need for an alibi didn't escape your mind, something for you to call upon in future time to exonerate and absolve yourself of implication in the heinous deed. Since just about any occassion was reason to get high, you withdrew just before the invasion that laid waste to the castle and all behind its walls. You went down______down______some familiar avenue and were instantly immobilized. Your guilt and role in the OKEE DOKE absolved (in your mind anyway), as your entire being was seduced into a PISCEAN stupor. Long ago you had perfected the twist that employed tricky rationailzation to implicate and accuse the other guy for storming the gates. 'Oh poor Po, someone done come in and broke the door.' On return you witness the plunder, offering the excuse, that you were somewhere else_____down under.
It was in an off-beat alley deeply shadowed you traded at full market value the sanctity of the GIFT for the promise of a future in which guilt and remorse are absent. You knew the score, but did you know the sacrafice? The exchange was a tuneful spirit for a paralytic soul. Your new carriage an abject, self-congratulatory obsequiousness was no more than a ruse. You came to learn that even a paralyzed soul suffers phantom pains---they wake you to screams in the night. A cold wet sweat works feverishly to deny those nocturnal crys were self-issued. You are no longer moved by crys nor love___you gave all that nonsense up long ago in alley shadows. Still, you would like to kick that ass that disturbed your sleep. The fogged fever accomplished its task, foiled again, damp linens are the only indication of anything amiss, as slumber returns ,even these you dismiss.
The exchange was a tuneful spirit for a paralytic soul. The real deal was a cross, which has returned and upped your anty again and again. It will give you no peace until you face your final cross. Imagine the CROSSES Jesus faced to pay not his own but your debts. He witnessed the spectacle when he called life to abandon death---as Lazarus rolled away the stone---
so much astonishment at the site. Stealing the sting from sin again when the stone was rolled from his tomb---vacant except the shroud---left lying alone on a barren floor. He knew those that got it, and watched as they crossed themselves. He was hip to the hustle too---the cats that booked on it at miraculous odds, believing themselves winners---smiles frozen in place as silver crossed their palms. CHUMP CHANGE that's all that was. They never did get it, the smiles are frozen there still, just like a cell.
GIFT------endowed with a natural ability or aptitude
GLUT------supply to excess
COASTING------somnolent nodding state of a heroin addict, or any drug providing an exit from reality
MITT MAN------a hustler who uses religion & prophesy to con his victims, the victims are usually women
MARK------victim, sucker
SADIST-----one who derives sexual pleasure from domination, hurting or otherwise mistreating one's partner
MASOCHIST------sexual pleasure derived from being dominated, hurt, or mistreated by one's partner
PARTI-COLORS------a fashion prevalent in midevil Europe from the late 12th Century, wherein garments were made in one color or design on one half or quarter and a different pattern or color on other sections
SLASHING------dress influenced by the Swiss and Bavarian mercenary, or Landsknecht, dating from the year 1520-1540. Mercenaries were reported to have mended their tattered uniforms with strips banners and hangings of the tents of their vanquished enemy
TRICK------mark, victim
TALISMAN-----anything believed to have a magic power---a charm
CINCH------a sure thing
CROSSES------to trick or trap
PISCEAN------12th sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about the 21st of February, said to have predisposition for gratification of sensual delights, even though it's the sign that should be most evolved
CHUMP CHANGE-----just enough money for basic needs link
About Me
- Name: shepard
- Location: california, United States
Designer of One of a kind clothing all hand dyed, mosaics, jewelry, photographer of many Blues artists past,et on bla blah blog
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- March 2007
- May 2011
INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.